Primary Transition

The information below covers the process of students transitioning from primary school to Year 7 at Princes Hill Secondary College (PHSC). The Department of Education has set out a clear set of steps for students moving from primary to secondary school and the information provided below should be read in conjunction with Moving from primary to secondary school: information for parents

Primary School to Year 7 Transition Enrolment Process

The following steps outline the enrolment process for students in Year 6 at a Government Primary School in 2024 wishing to commence Year 7 at Princes Hill Secondary College in 2025.

All families seeking a Year 7 enrolment at the Princes Hill Secondary College must complete the Department Application for Year 7 Placement made available from their Primary School in April each year. Families applying with proximity to school or sibling claims must ensure that this information is recorded on that form and that the form is returned to their Primary School by the due date specified in the table above. 

Parents seeking to apply for their child to move from a private primary school to a government secondary school should refer to Moving from primary to secondary school: information for parents and contact the College for an application for enrolment form. 

Applying to Princes Hill Secondary College

Our school zone is available on which hosts the most up-to-date information on school zones in Victoria.

Students residing within our school zone are guaranteed a place at our school which is determined based on your permanent residential address.

Our school manages enrolments using the Placement Policy to ensure that students have access to their designated neighbourhood school and may enrol at another school, if there are available places.

All families will be officially notified of the outcome of their placement application by their Primary School. Princes Hill Secondary College will also confirm the outcome with a letter of offer after notification by the Primary School. Parents should return the Year 7 Placement Acceptance Slip to the Primary School. 


Any family who has applied for Princes Hill Secondary College on their Application for Year 7 Placement form, but is not offered a place, should contact their primary school for information about the appeals process.

Waiting List Offers

Princes Hill Secondary College generally experiences some fluctuation in acceptance of offers and may be able to offer further places after the appeals process is complete. Families will be given the option of being placed on a waiting list for a place.