Student Exit Procedure

The following information is provided to enable students planning to exit Princes Hill Secondary College to do so in a well organised manner that meets the expectations and needs of the student, the parents/guardians and the school. Please read the instructions carefully and follow up with the relevant Sub-School Leader/Year Level Coordinator if issues are encountered or questions arise.

Return Library Resources

The student should drop by the library to confirm that they have no library resources outstanding. All outstanding resources must be returned prior to the exit date.

Notify Music Admin and Return Instruments (if applicable)

If the student is enrolled in instrumental music lessons, theory lessons, or the ensemble program, it is important to discuss the exit with our music administrator ( / 9389-0622). The exit may impact teacher/student timetables (if involved in group lessons), and/or any relevant ensemble rehearsals. For any student exiting, the following conditions will apply:

  • All instrumental music lesson and theory lesson fees are non-refundable as per the enrolment terms and conditions.
  • Any school-based hire instrument must be returned to the Music Office ASAP. Families will need to complete an instrument return form on return of the instrument. A refund of the hire fee will be negotiated based on the duration of the hire.
  • The return of any instrument hired externally through one of our recommended suppliers should be negotiated directly with the supplier as required.

Return IT Resources

The student should return any school allocated IT resources. All outstanding resources must be returned prior to the exit date.

School Payments/Refunds

Parents should contact the school front office to ensure that there are no outstanding payments or refunds owing as a result of the student exit. It is important that any outstanding fees or camp/excursion payments are settled. If the family has a payment plan in place for the exiting student, please contact the school to cancel future scheduled payments. In some cases the exit may result in a refund of fees for the family.

Collect Epipen and/or Medications (if applicable)

Parents should contact the school front office to retrieve personal Epipens and/or medications that may have been held with the school.

Clear Locker

Students should empty their locker prior to departure. Any materials left in locker will be used to support students in need.

Download Compass Reports

Once the student has exited, parents and students will no longer have access to Compass. It is strongly recommended that parents/students download the PDF copy of all school reports for their own use. This should be done prior to the student exit date.

Complete Department Exit Documentation (if required)

If the student is aged 16 years or less and is not intending to move to another school and continue their education, they are required to complete the Department Transition from School Form and associated instructions. This form is required for compliance with the Department Exemption from School Attendance or Enrolment Policy. Please work with the Senior Sub-School Leader to ensure that this form and instructions are completed in a timely manner.

Princes Hill Secondary College would like to thank the family for complying with our exit instructions above and wish the student all the best on their future endeavours. Please contact the relevant Sub-School Leader/Year Level Coordinator if you have any questions in relation to the instructions above or email