About PHSC
School Profile
Princes Hill SC provides a supportive learning environment and a culture of high expectation that foster the school values of Respect Creativity, Inclusion, Resilience and Achievement.
Demand for places is high and there are constraints on our capacity to offer places to students beyond the neighbourhood area. The school attracts a high proportion of families with a professional background who regularly contribute to decision-making processes, and support learning programs. The school has excellent facilities in all curriculum areas and is privileged to have access to outstanding playing fields and grounds with Princes Park adjacent. This beautiful green open space is actively used by classes, and daily student access is supervised at recess and lunchtime.
The school is an inclusive and vibrant environment where students of all backgrounds feel welcome and safe. Widely acknowledged as a high performing school, Princes Hill SC is recognised for its impressive student academic performance, excellence across the curriculum and the enduring social, emotional and personal outcomes for students. Appreciation of differences between people and awareness of individual needs, interests and abilities is central to the College ethos. Mutual respect amongst students and between students and staff is characteristic of relationships.
Evidence based practice and attention to research is important in our organisation’s thinking and learning. Realising that students need a range of dispositions, skills, attitudes and understandings to live and learn sustainably and cooperatively in today’s world, we maintain mixed ability classes up to Year 10 with a focus on differentiation of learning and challenge. Students are engaged students in the social issues of the day whilst critical and creative thinking, ethical behaviour and intercultural understanding are valued and encouraged. Knowing that wellbeing is fundamental to living well and to learning effectively, the school endorses approaches consistent with positive psychology and restorative practices.
The curriculum makes extensive use of our inner-city location for students’ studies and excursions. Consistent with the school’s philosophy of providing students with a broad education, the College offers an extensive Camps and Outdoor Education Program utilising the recently upgraded school camp at Mirimbah at the base of Mt Buller and Mt Stirling, and other venues. Further learning extension options include study tours to, Italy, France, China, Indonesia (Science) and Vietnam. In Year 9, all students are involved in our Wilderness Week program where all students have an extended wilderness experience.
Core Values
Princes Hill Secondary College is the centre of a vibrant community of parents, students and staff. All play an active part in the daily life, decisions and programs of the school. It is a community united by a shared belief in the importance of the following values:
Respect: We value and respect others
Creativity: We nurture a spirit of innovative inquiry and expression
Inclusion: We embrace inclusive practices in our community that value equity and diversity
Resilience: We demonstrate resilience by encouraging persistence, courage and determination
Achievement: We strive to make the most of our opportunities to challenge ourselves and meet our learning goals
These values underpin the teaching philosophy of the school, which recognises that every child is unique and the educational needs of each will be different. Equally the school program is founded upon the belief that every child is able to set and meet challenging goals. The College’s capacity to inspire each student to fulfill their potential is a key to the success of the school.
You will find that these beliefs permeate and inform everything that the school does.