School Council

School councils play a key role in Victorian government schools. Participating as a school council member is a rewarding and challenging experience. The school council supports the principal to provide the b​​est possible educational outcomes for students.

All school councils in Victoria operate under the Education and Training Reform Act 2006. Each school council is established by an Order of the Minister for Education, which specifies:

  • Membership size and configuration
  • Objectives and powers
  • Functions and accountabilities
  • Role of the executive officer who is the principal

The school council has particular functions in setting and monitoring the school’s direction, with three main responsibilities:

  • Finance: overseeing the development of the school’s annual budget and ensuring proper records are kept of the school’s financial operation
  • Strategic Planning: participating in the development and monitoring of the school strategic plan
  • Policy Development and Review: developing, reviewing and updating policies that reflect a school’s values and support the school’s broad direction outlined in its strategic plan.  

For further information on the key functions of school councils, election processes, meetings and subcommittees, please see Department of Education and Training – School Councils.

Key Princes Hill Secondary College sub-committees include the Education Committee, Finance Committee and Buildings and Grounds Committee, and Fundraising Committee

The current membership of the Princes Hill Secondary College School Council is:

 Executive Officer: Trevor Smith (Principal)

DET Employees (Elected) Parent Members (Elected)

Trent Adams

Seraya Brain

Joanne Sayer


Emily Booth

Lea Campbell 

Francisca Hoffmann-Axthelm

Justin Murphy

Naomi Ralph

Marion Singer 

Student Category (Elected) Community Members (Co-opted)

Zadie Bekessy

Eliza Haslem


Daniel Phillips 

Paul von Chrismar


School Council Wiki (Council Member access only)