
Extension & Enrichment

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  • Extension & Enrichment

In addition to the classroom curriculum, the College offers an extensive range of enrichment programs to meet student needs and interests. Some examples of these are:

Camps Program

The College is fortunate in having its own camp, the Mirimbah Country Centre, at Sawmill Settlement in the foothills of Mt Buller. This enables the school to offer a comprehensive, affordable outdoor education program, which includes bushwalking, adventure and snow activities, as well as study camps.

The College also offers LOTE study trips to Italy & France, the Year 9 Wilderness Experience and the Middle School Outdoor Education and Boot Camps.

Instrumental Music

In addition to classroom music, all students can opt to study a musical instrument. Tuition is available in over 40 instruments and the range of musical groups extends from chamber music, string quartets and a symphony orchestra, to award winning rock bands and a 30 piece swing band.

The College boasts one of the largest, most acclaimed music programs in the state. Our students are invited to perform in over 60 public performances, such as the opening of the Lygon St. Festa. They have received countless awards and have released a number of professional CD collections.


The Maths Talent Quest (MTQ) Project is a compulsory Semester One Work Requirement and Assessment Task for all Year 7 students at PHSC. All Maths students in Year 7 will be working on their individual project from early in Term 1, supervised by their Maths teacher. The best school entries are submitted for judging at the State Level later in the year.


Able Maths students from Years 7 to 10 – students who gained a distinction or higher in the Australian Maths Competition previously, or those who simply enjoy problem solving activities – are encouraged to enter the MATHS CHALLENGE, an Australia-wide extension activity run by the Australian Mathematics Trust. The activity is run over 3 weeks in Term 2.


All Maths students from Years 7 – 12 are invited to enter this National Competition, which is held in July.


Maths Games Days are held during Term 3. Teams of 4 students compete against teams from other schools at a central venue. Maths Games Days are held for each year level.

Student Leadership

The College has a vibrant student leadership program, with a Student Forum group at Years 7-8, 9-10 and VCE. These groups have direct input into College wide decision making, and are also involved in a number of community youth projects. The College’s reputation for fostering student leadership has resulted in a national Human Rights award and a student leadership scholarship.
The College has designed its enrichment programs to ensure that all subject areas are represented, and that students will have opportunities to extend their talents and interests into all fields. Opportunities include:

  • Alliance Française Berthe Mouchette Poetry Competition
  • Melbourne Writer’s Festival – Schools’ Program
  • Student Writing Competition and Publication
  • Major Drama and Musical Productions each year
  • Interschool Debating Competition
  • Maths Talent Quest
  • Mathematics Challenge for Young Australians
  • Maths Games Days
  • Australian Mathematics Competition
  • Science Talent Search
  • Physics Gymnasium University of Melbourne
  • Study trips to Italy and France
  • Amnesty International Action Group
  • Art & Design Exhibition and Award Program
  • Lunchtime Sport Competitions
A Week At Princes Hill

The activities below; from a typical school week, give some indication of the vibrant extra-curricula life of the College:

  • Year 9 VCE Inter-school Debating Teams
  • ‘Parenting Teenagers’ Evening Course
  • Senior Drama Play
  • Athletics Carnival for Years 7 – 12
  • Senior Sports Teams Inter-school Competition
  • VCE Music Solo Performance Concert
  • Auditions for School Choir
  • Business Management Trip – Employer House

PHSC Calendar


Operations Central




Ballarat High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training’s CRICOS registration (00861K). For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au