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PHSC Music Department

Princes Hill offers a robust music program that covers instrumental music lessons, music theory lessons, ensembles, and classroom music. Please take the time to navigate through the various resources we have available to find out more about our program.

Performance Opportunities

The Music Department strives to provide performance opportunities for all students throughout the school year with multiple concerts, soirees, and gigs held each term. We work with a range of venues throughout Melbourne each year, including: The Brunswick Ballroom, The Bergy Bandroom, Transit Lounge @ Transport Hotel – Federation Square, Yarra Council venues (Collingwood and Fitzroy Town Hall’s), 75 Reid Street, and the Abbotsford Convent.

Additionally, we host performances here at PHSC in the Music Courtyard, the Theatre, and upstairs at the Community Centre on Bagung Lane.

Students are also able to complete formal exams on their instruments. For classical/repertoire based exams, students are enrolled in AMEB practical exams, held at the AMEB Centre in Hawthorn. For Jazz/Contemporary based exams, we use the ABRSM syllabus, with an examiner from the ABRSM Centre in London visiting Princes Hill annually in November. Most students perform with a live jazz trio as part of their assessment.

Our Concert Band (Arnold St) and Orchestra participate in the Victorian School Music Festival each year, and we often have ensembles invited to perform at public and private events across Melbourne. This has recently included the NGV, Princes Hill Primary School Bazaar, local primary school art shows (Brunswick South West, Carlton North), and Tanarra Philanthropic Advisors.

We have a rich history of students continuing onto tertiary education at leading universities such as Melbourne University (VCA/Conservatorium of Music), Monash University, Melbourne Polytechnic and the Box Hill Institute, as well as establishing themselves in the music industry. Alumni over the years include Mika James (2022 Triple J Unearthed finalist), The Vovos, Gretta Ray (2016 Triple J Unearthed winner), The Cactus Channel, Karate Boogaloo, and Trojan Horns.

Ensemble Program

All students having instrumental lessons at PHSC participate in the ensemble program. Rehearsals are weekly and are run outside of normal class times. Ensembles are a great way for students to improve sight reading, rhythm, and ensemble playing skills whilst connecting with others outside of their usual classes and year level.

Find out more information on:
Instrumental Music Lessons | Ensembles | Concerts & Events

For more information about the Music Department please call 9389 0622,
or email musicadmin@phsc.vic.edu.au.

PHSC Calendar


Operations Central




Ballarat High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training’s CRICOS registration (00861K). For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au