Student Code
1. Goals
to develop a sense of community within the school.
to clarify the school’s expectations of students.
2. Principles
The College is a secure environment where, without intimidation, bullying or harassment, students are able to fully develop their talents, interests and ambitions.
The classroom is a secure environment in which care and respect for the rights of others is encouraged.
All can teach and learn in an orderly and cooperative environment.
Principals and staff fairly, reasonably and consistently implement the Code of Conduct.
3. Expectations
Students Will:
- Have high expectations that they can learn.
- Have the opportunity to show leadership.
- Have access to extra curricular activities.
- Be involved in the home group and house systems.
- Participate in or support student forums.
- Be punctual.
- Not tease or mock other students.
- Not behave in a disruptive manner.
- Not harass or mistreat others.
- Accept responsibility for learning by listening.
- Participate willingly in classroom activities.
- Complete set work and home work on time.
- Bring appropriate equipment to class.
- Be considerate and supportive of others.
- Look after their own property.
- Respect each others’ property.
- Use computers appropriately.
- Respect the privacy of others.
- Care for the school environment.
- Keep within College boundaries.
- Behave in a safe manner at school.
- Keep other students safe.
- Follow the College dress code.
4. Freedom of Expression
The college encourages the expression of a range of opinions unless they are perceived to be racist, defamatory or sexist, to threaten the harmony of the College or otherwise contravene equal opportunity legislation. The college will provide forums for students to voice their opinions so that their views can influence school decisions.
Visitors to the College always comment upon the supportive and friendly atmosphere of the school which has a well established reputation for student support, based around the College’s extensive student welfare system. This consists of a Student Welfare Coordinator and Year Level Coordinators at each year level.
The College holds parent Information and reporting nights each semester and also provides additional support programs for literacy, numeracy, VCE and homework tutoring and Integration.
Students can participate in the Student Leadership Council which involves community building discussions, activities and community based projects.