Princes Hill Secondary College supports applications for students who wish to study in Melbourne from abroad. Please visit for all details about applying for the International Student Program in Victoria.
Please note that applications for all Victorian Government schools are submitted via the following website:
Princes Hill Secondary College provides an environment that is:
• friendly, tolerant and respectful
• diverse
• disciplined and promotes a positive work ethic.
The government has placed Princes Hill Secondary College as the highest achieving secondary school of its type in the state.
Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) Curriculum
In the senior years, our aim is to maximise the widest possible future options for students.
There is a broad range of Mathematics, Science, Technology, Arts, Music and Humanities subjects to select from.

Support for International Students
The International Student Coordinator takes overall responsibility for the enrolment and the welfare of all International students.
Year Level Coordinators are available to provide advice, counselling and support in all areas of the student’s life, including curriculum, study techniques and personal issues.
A Student Wellbeing Coordinator is available to assist students in any particular matters relating to the welfare of students.
A Careers and Further Education Counsellor offers individual advice on courses and careers, scholarships and organizes careers nights and assists VCE students both before and after they obtain their results.
Click here to go to train and tram information.
Tram Routes close to school are Route 1 (Lygon St) or Route 19 (Royal Parade)
The closest train station is Jewell on the Upfield Line.