
Assessment & Reporting

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  • Assessment & Reporting

Teachers at Princes Hill Secondary College use a wide variety of assessment tools to monitor student learning, including both formative and summative assessments.

The majority of feedback is given directly to students in the classroom. Feedback may be formal or informal – from verbal feedback, annotations on essays and corrections on mathematical work, to rubrics and assessment against set criteria.

Students at PHSC take responsibility for their own learning by seeking feedback from their teachers both in and outside of class time.

Feedback to parents is given primarily through Compass. Feedback will be provided through the following avenues:

Compass Learning Tasks

Each subject will put up a minimum of two Learning Tasks per term on to Compass.  These may range from class work, homework tasks and progress quizzes, through to topic tests and major assessment pieces or projects. Teachers will include feedback on these Learning Tasks so you can track your child’s progress through the subject.

Parents should go to the Learning Tasks link on their Compass homepage to see the list of their child’s Learning Task results. More detailed feedback is provided in some instances by clicking on the result.

Each subject has a uniform set of key Reportable Learning Tasks. Results for these tasks will be recorded on the end of Semester reports distributed twice a year, however these will also come up on the general list of Learning Tasks

Semester Reports and Interim Reports

Students will receive Interim Reports at the ends of Term 1 and Term 3, and full Semester Reports at the ends of Term 2 and Term 4.

The Interim Reports will report against our Work Habits: Engagement, Effort, Behaviour and Organisation.

The Semester Reports will contain the results of all Reportable Learning Tasks as either a percentage or letter grade, an assessment of the students’ Work Habits, the Learning Outcomes for the subject, and an indication of the student’s progress against the Victorian Curriculum Standards.

Parent Student Teacher Conferences

Parent Student Teacher conferences provide an opportunity for parents to meet with their child’s teacher to discuss their progress and any concerns. These will be held in Term 1 and Term 3. Notification will be sent to parents when bookings are open, and these bookings are made through the Compass portal.

Princes Hill Secondary College Assessment Schemes
Reportable Learning Tasks

Reportable Learning Tasks are assessed using either Percentages or Letter Grades, using the following equivalence table:

Percentage Grade
90-100% A+
80-89% A
75-79% B+
70-74% B
65-69% C+
60-64% C
55-59% D+
50-54% D
45-49% E+
40-44% E
0-39% UG
NA Not Assessed – Task not submitted due to school approved circumstances.
NS Not Submitted – Task not submitted by 2 weeks after the due date, without an extension being granted or special circumstances.

Work Habits
Work Habits are assessed using the scale:

Excellent, Very Good, Good, Acceptable, Needs Attention

Description of Work Habits
Behaviour ·         Respectful towards staff and fellow students
·         Safe and sensible
Effort ·         Completes all set work
·         Willing to take on challenges in learning
·         Listens and responds to feedback
·         Takes pride in their work
·         Proactive and independent
Engagement ·         Actively participates in class discussion and activities
·         Seeks feedback
·         Interested and curious
Organisation ·         Punctual
·         Brings all necessary equipment to class
·         Completes tasks by due date
·         Completes homework

Year 7 – 10 only

Learning Outcomes
Learning Outcomes are assessed using the scale:

Excellent, Very Good, Good, Satisfactory, Borderline, Not Satisfactory, Not Assessed

Victorian Curriculum
The Victorian Curriculum Standard is based on a 5 point scale:

Well above the expected level
Above the expected level
At the expected level
Below the expected level
Well below the expected level

The expected level is highlighted in yellow. Your child’s achievement in a semester is indicated by the dot.

PHSC Calendar


Operations Central




Ballarat High School is accredited under the Department of Education and Training’s CRICOS registration (00861K). For further information refer to www.study.vic.gov.au